Monday 1 May 2017

Goal for the month of May.

Dear Parents,

Here is the goal for the month of May. Since we are using Google Drive as a tool in class, this month, at any time during the month, your child is responsible to read the following story below by using the program ‘Read & Write’. Your child needs to copy and paste onto another page (google document). The title needs to be your child’s name. The program (tool) has been thoroughly explained in class. Just a friendly reminder to add the extension of read & write to your Google Drive tools bar. It’s free! Here is a tutorial to help you add the extension of Read & Write:

Your child needs to share the recording of his/her reading with me in order for me to monitor my students’ reading fluency. Here is my email address:

I suggest that your child reads the story more than once before recording for his/her final evaluation.

Your child needs to:
-articulate the words
-read with expression
-read at a reasonable pace

Thank you for your continued support in helping your child succeed in learning a second and for some a third language.

Mme Mathieu


Le Moyen-âge : les châteaux forts!

Le château fort est perché sur une hauteur,
dans un endroit difficile à attaquer.
Le château sert à protéger la région qui l’entoure.
Le château est bien gardé et il est difficile d’y entrer.
Il est entouré de murailles et de fossés remplis d’eau:
les douves.
Il faut passer le pont-levis pour entrer ; les gardes le
baissent et le lèvent avec de grosses chaînes.
Les hommes d’armes (soldats) montent la garde sur
le chemin de ronde (chemin en haut des remparts
qui fait le tour du château).

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