Wednesday 29 March 2017

Ancient Greek legend


Here is the work of students explaining an Ancient Greek legend.

Bravo les amis! 

Mme Mathieu & Mlle Hagar

  Displaying IMG_8691.JPG  

Monday 27 March 2017

Pic collage

Dear Parents,

As part of the Greece unit, your child was given a subject and he/she had to find pictures and create a collage using the program: 'Pic collage'. 

Bravo les amis! Vos collages sont beaux et créatifs! Vous avez bien collaboré ensemble. 


Mme Mathieu & Mlle Hagar



Wednesday 22 March 2017

Photo booth

Dear Parents,

Just a friendly reminder:  Tomorrow, it's photo booth day.

Bring in your $.

Mme Mathieu & Mlle Hagar

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Friendly reminder


Just a friendly reminder that your child has his/her first spelling test this Friday, March 10th.

In class, we have discussed ways to study for the spelling test:

-Underline the difficult words.

-Read the words and sentences out loud.

-Copy the words and sentences on paper.

-Ask your parents to read the words and sentences out loud & write or dictate.

Have Fun!

Mme Mathieu & Mlle Hagar

Tuesday 7 March 2017

Vimy presentation

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Your child had the opportunity recently to be a part of a presentation on the Battle of Vimy Ridge. A former SMY student had a wonderful experience being a tour guide for 4 months in Vimy. She discussed her experience as well as the history of the Battle of Vimy Ridge.

Your child has participated in decorating a yellow ribbon by indicating the soldier`s name, rank, date of birth & death and where they lived. (The students who were absent today, will get a chance to decorate a ribbon tomorrow). Your child also wrote a message thanking the soldier who fought for our country.

On Saturday, April 1st at 9:30 a.m. over 200 high school students will be participating in the pilgrimage to Vimy Ridge, France and will also be tying 3598 yellow ribbons to The Vimy Memorial Bridge in Nepean (where Earl Armstrong turns into Strandherd at Prince of Wales Dr., Nepean). This will provide our city with a visual representation of the number of soldiers who died at Vimy Ridge for our freedom. Your child is welcome to attend The Ribbon Tying Event, but he/ she MUST be accompanied by at least one parent or legal guardian, as it is very close to busy roads.

Thank you for your support and consideration. We are very proud of our students.

SMY Junior Teachers

Saturday 4 March 2017

Verbes au passé composé


Here is a link to have your child continue to practice verbs au 'passé composé'.

Le passé composé


Mme Mathieu & Mlle Hagar

Friday 3 March 2017

Friday, March 3rd, 2017.

Dear Parents,

Here is the goal for the month of March. Every Friday, your child will write a spelling test. The first spelling test will be given on Friday, March 10th. The second spelling test will be given on Friday, March 24th and the third spelling test on Friday, March 31st.

4IÈME ANNÉE - Dictée -
Spelling test - Friday, March 10th:
1)le chapeau 2)le manteau 3)la moto 4)la photo
5)la radio 6)le chat 7)le chien 8)le château
9)le cheval 10)le chevalier
11)Ce week-end, je suis allé(e) visiter ma tante à Montréal.
12)La semaine passée, j’ai regardé un film drôle.

Spelling test - Friday, March 24th:
1)le mouton 2)un bouton 3)le toutou 4)le minou
5)un poussin 6)une couleur 7)la fleur 8)un joueur
9)l’acteur 10)un inventeur
11)J’ai vu un poussin jaune hier matin.
12)L’acteur nous a fait rire hier soir.

Spelling test - Friday, March 31st:
1)une fille 2)une bille 3)une ville 4)ma famille 5)de la vanille 6)une abeille 7)un orteil 8)le soleil
9)une oreille 10)une merveille
11)Je suis allé(e) manger de la crème glacée à la vanille samedi au DQ.
12)J’ai eu mal à l’orteil la semaine dernière.


Mme Mathieu & Mlle Hagar